Dear Parents/Guardians, As you may be aware, Orange County was removed from the State's "watchlist" on Sunday, August 23rd, 2020. If we stay off the watchlist for 14 days, we will be allowed to reopen the campus. Our tentative date to reopen is Tuesday, September 8th, 2020 for a regular school …
Mervin’In Episode # 3- Cooking!!
Dear NVS Families, Here is another episode of Mervin'In!!! We plan on releasing these videos once a week on Friday afternoons to avoid impacting instruction and academics during the week. We hope you and your students will continue to enjoy these episodes. Thank you all for …
4/20/20- Internet & Other Supports
Dear Parents and Guardians, Thank you for another successful week of remote education. Students continue to do very well during this shelter in place time. We received feedback from teachers that we wanted to share. We appreciate any help you can provide. 1, Students are having to spend a lot …
A Message from Merv!! Please Show to Students
Dear NVS Families, We hope everyone had a wonderful Spring Break. We're looking forward to continuing our Remote Learning Program for the remainder of the school year. Before break, you received emails about certain school events that have been cancelled. If you have any questions regarding these …
4/7/20 NVS School Closure Update
Dear Parents/Guardians, We hope Spring Break is treating you well! All of the local school districts, including Saddleback, have elected to close for the remainder of the school year. New Vista School has elected to close for the remainder of the year as well. This means that we will …
2020 NVS Calendar Update
Dear Parents/Guardians, Below is an update for the New Vista School calendar. School is tentatively scheduled to reopen Monday May 4th, 2020. We will keep you posted as soon as we have information to share. * Spring break dates remain: April 6th-April 10th * San Diego field trip canceled: …
Dear NVS Families, Our students now have access to thousands of digital AR books through the MyOn program from Renaissance (the AR website). This may be the only means for students to access AR books during these difficult times, so please share this with all your students. We have a free …
March 31, 2020 Dear Parents, We have received notice from the Saddleback Valley Unified School District that their schools will remain closed until Friday May 1st, 2020. New Vista School will also extend our closure date until Friday May 1st, 2020. Students are now scheduled to …
Dear NVS Families, Happy Monday! As a reminder, Spring break is still scheduled for April 6th-10th. We do not have any new closure updates as of today. We understand Saddleback may make an announcement sometime tonight regarding closure dates. PLEASE HELP US WITH A FEW ITEMS: ·Make sure …
Important Request & Support
3/24/20 Dear Parents/Guardians, We hope this email finds you well! We are doing our best to maintain instructions during this crisis. It is extremely difficult to monitor students while they are at home. We need your help in the following areas: · Please make sure your student is …